The Uncomplicated Business Blueprint

Create a FINISHING product
(AKA "backend offer")

Your next step is to create another $97 product that is related but completely different than your core offer. For Example:

Foundational product is an email marketing course

Finishing product might be a set of done-for-you email campaign templates

Foundational product is a fixed-term membership site that teaches
people how to train for a 100-mile ultramarathon.

Finishing product might be coaching, where customers can get personal
feedback on their training runs, racing strategy, mental prep and so forth.

Foundational product is a multi-module training course showing 
people how to lose weight safe, effectively, and easily.

Finishing product might be a yearlong membership in a private support forum

Once you add your FINISHING offer to your existing sales system, then you need to go through your sales funnel and update the pieces and parts to reflect this new offer. This process includes:

Updating the FRONTEND product to include a pitch for the FINISHING product.

Updating the FOUNDATIONAL product to include a pitch for the FINISHING product.

Promoting the FINISHING product on the FOUNDATIONAL product’s download page.

Adding emails to the prospect autoresponder series to promote the FINISHING product.

Updating your platforms to include a promotion for the FINISHING offer (this includes your blog, social media platforms, YouTube channel and any other platforms you use).

Adding the new FINISHING product anywhere you’ve published a “Recommended Resources” list, or anywhere on your sites or platforms where you list all your products.

Adding emails to the customer autoresponder series to promote the FINISHING product (this includes both the FRONTEND product series and the series sent to those who purchased the FOUNDATIONAL product).

Are You Making Money Yet? Great, then move to the final step...

The Uncomplicated
Business Blueprint

Create a FINISHING product
(AKA "backend offer")

Your next step is to create another $97 product that is related but completely different than your core offer. For Example:

Foundational product is an email marketing course

Finishing product might be a set of
done-for-you email campaign templates

Foundational product is a fixed-term membership site that teaches
people how to train for a 100-mile ultramarathon.

Finishing product might be coaching, where customers can get personal feedback on their training runs, racing strategy,
mental prep and so forth.

Foundational product is a multi-module training course showing 
people how to lose weight safe, effectively, and easily.

Finishing product might be a yearlong membership
in a private support forum

Once you add your FINISHING offer to your existing sales system, then you need to go through your sales funnel and update the pieces and parts to reflect this new offer. This process includes:

Updating the FRONTEND product to include a pitch for the FINISHING product.

Updating the FOUNDATIONAL product to include a pitch for the FINISHING product.

Promoting the FINISHING product on the FOUNDATIONAL product’s download page.

Adding emails to the prospect autoresponder series to promote the FINISHING product.

Updating your platforms to include a promotion for the FINISHING offer (this includes your blog, social media platforms, YouTube channel and any other platforms you use).

Adding the new FINISHING product anywhere you’ve published a “Recommended Resources” list, or anywhere on your sites or platforms where you list all your products.

Adding emails to the customer autoresponder series to promote the FINISHING product (this includes both the FRONTEND product series and the series sent to those who purchased the FOUNDATIONAL product).

The Uncomplicated Business Blueprint

Create a FINISHING product
(AKA "backend offer")

Your next step is to create another $97 product that is related but completely different than your core offer. For Example:

Foundational product is an email marketing course

Finishing product might be a set of done-for-you email campaign templates

Foundational product is a fixed-term membership site that teaches
people how to train for a 100-mile ultramarathon.

Finishing product might be coaching, where customers can get personal
feedback on their training runs, racing strategy, mental prep and so forth.

Foundational product is a multi-module training course showing 
people how to lose weight safe, effectively, and easily.

Finishing product might be a yearlong membership in a private support forum

Once you add your FINISHING offer to your existing sales system, then you need to go through your sales funnel and update the pieces and parts to reflect this new offer. This process includes:

Updating the FRONTEND product to include a pitch for the FINISHING product.

Updating the FOUNDATIONAL product to include a pitch for the FINISHING product.

Promoting the FINISHING product on the FOUNDATIONAL product’s download page.

Adding emails to the prospect autoresponder series to promote the FINISHING product.

Updating your platforms to include a promotion for the FINISHING offer (this includes your blog, social media platforms, YouTube channel and any other platforms you use).

Adding the new FINISHING product anywhere you’ve published a “Recommended Resources” list, or anywhere on your sites or platforms where you list all your products.

Adding emails to the customer autoresponder series to promote the FINISHING product (this includes both the FRONTEND product series and the series sent to those who purchased the FOUNDATIONAL product).

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